Thursday, February 10, 2011

#3 Beneath the Planet of the Apes

Yes an older film again, get over it I have decided that I want to write about what I like.

Anyways, Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970) it is defiantly my favorite of the Planet of the Apes series. I watched it a few nights ago while avoiding filling out my college graduation application.
I have seen this movie approximately 10 times in the past 5 years, it is something I can have on and not really think about while I do other things, but if I feel like looking at the screen something interesting is happening. But this was the first time I think I have sat and actually given it my full attention, and somethings bothered me.

First, Nova. You know the hot babe from the first one, Charlton Heston's girlfriend. Well in this movie it seems like she was James Francisus's but whatever.
Anyway, what the hell is she supposed to be thinking is happening during all of this? And I thought in post-apocalyptic worlds women are usually a commodity. And she is the only woman running around in her skivvies, blindly following handsome men around like a lost puppy? In Beneath the Planet she has lost her "Taylor" in a manner that doesn't completely get explained, luckily she finds a man that looks like it could be his twin and is in the exact same situation. So that problem is solved, but then they go looking for him. What is Nova thinking at this point, mind you she doesn't speak besides saying, Nova, and Taylor. Does she know they are looking for Taylor? What does she think is happening when they are kidnapped by the mutant underground people worshiping an A-bomb? It must be a lonely existence. Somehow she has managed to join the blond striking men cult, it is confusing. This all shouldn't be scary for her as she was born into this, yet she seems just as confused as Taylor and Brent, but that's probably because she thinks they are the crazy ones. Of course monkeys are in charge, who would you put in charge?

Why wouldn't future people be able to speak? I can understand loosing the ability to write or most advanced ways of thinking, but the spoken word? That doesn't make any since to me. I get when they are captured they are not allowed to speak but we see them running in packs, surely they must communicate some how.

And another thing why does Taylor keep Nova around anyway? I get she's hot but seriously he's got more in common with the monkeys. What was so wrong with Dr. Zira? I mean she had a rockin body for a monkey, and besides the hairiness what is the difference if your hitting it doggy style? Ok sorry I am taking this completely off track.

Last thing, Brent was sent on a rescue mission to find Taylor. This is a ridiculous idea, Taylor was supposed to be in hyper sleep for 8 years while he traveled, then I assume, he was supposed to be on whatever planet for some sort of time, with an additional 8 years return time. How would they know he was lost? The time space continuum never made since to me, so maybe someone else can explain that one. This just seems off I guess.

I want to apologize for waiting so long to post this, I've been distracted by uselessness lately.

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