Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Return of the Blogger

I owe all of you an apology! I have been away for way too long, due to a ton of things, mostly procrastination. With that said we have some catching up to do!

Since we last met I have watched next to a hundred movies, started following a few new (to me) podcasts, and purged my life of a lot of things that have made my life shitty.

Let us start with the new absence of shit in my life. I would like to announce that I have been off of Facebook and twitter for five and a half weeks. I know I know, I give Facebook a harder time than it deserves, as a few of you have pointed out. I think my current mental status with it out of my life, proves that fb is a lot more than I originally gave it credit for. Now that I am fbless, I find more time in the day. I find that if I see someone on the street I take more time to talk to them, because I don't already know what's going on with them as I did when I was fbactive. I am now lacking an insecurity that I find I had when I was on fb, I often wondered who was reading my status updates, who's looking at my pictures, does anyone care about me or what I'm doing? What I now find, and am ok with, is yes a few people did notice my absence and now call me to see how I'm doing. Which is WAY more pleasurable then when my status is "liked." What do you mean by that like anyway? Some people seem to like everything, one minute they "like" someones pregnancy status and then quickly move on to "liking" a video of a dog pooping on a baby.

I have now re-discovered what having a relationship with other people is. No, telling me to tell your niece (on fb) "happy birthday" is not the same a giving them a hug in real life. No, dropping a line on my wall is not the same as dropping by my house to say "hi." "Poking" me is not the same as making eye contact across a room, and inviting me to your "event" is not the same a calling and talking about it. Sending me a "message" is not as personal as a letter, and "chatting" is not as personal as sitting in a dimly lit bar chatting over beers. It is sad how much fb has replaced our real lives, and I for one will no longer be a part of it. This decision has severed bonds between me and others but, if they were worth it or interested I'm not phantom, I can be reached in other ways, one would be surprised to consider all of the ways people can be reached. Most know where I dwell, work, shop, eat, study, and learn. Believe it or not I have two phone numbers where I may be reached, and approximately 6 email accounts, just to name a few venues for this girl.

I will admit my only remaining link to the social network, G+. I don't post but Will Weaton does and he makes me smile. If you haven't checked him out, you should he is worth while. He is all over the interwebs these days so he's pretty hard to miss.

Well this rant is a lot longer than I had originally planned, so my other recent adventures will wait until a future date. Enjoy.

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