Monday, October 24, 2011

#14 Paranormal Activity 3

Wow ok, no picture today. I have looked for about 20 minutes for a picture to include on this post of something that was in the movie, to no avail. On to the post...

Well, first let me say I am proud to admit that I watched significantly more of this one than its predecessor!  We turned out to go to a local theater that I usually do not venture to because an old friend works there and I don't want to seem like I'm using her for free tickets or snacks or something as she usually refuses to let us pay. This time I let her, and it was awesome. This theater does not have the normal stadium seating, it has small couches and side tables. It was so comfortable! It was perfect for a scary movie so I could jump into my husband's lap and no one could really notice. On to the movie.

If you haven't seen it yet, do not base any of your expectations about it on the previews on t.v. There was next to nothing in the movie that was advertised, thus my difficulty finding a picture FROM the film. This one

is everywhere, although this never happened in the film. The Bloody Mary experiment happened yes, but not with both of these characters. It happened with the older girl and a babysitting guy. Something that seemed scary from the previews was when the mother threw water in the air only to land on an invisible visitor in the room, again did not happen. The previews show an aerial view of these girls in the bedroom, nope. They show the mom being pulled away from view flying through the air by some invisible force, nada.
Even though a lot of what I expected was not in the film. It was still good and scary. This trilogy is great for making you jump out of your seat. I like the second one better, but I think that is likely because I kept waiting for things I recognized to happen, and when it didn't I was disappointed on some level. Weird I know, but I don't know if I ever had this happen before. I went in knowing of a few things I expected to scare me that never happened. Strange.
I'm not going to go all into the plot, it seemed obvious to me. It's the sisters when they were kids how this started for them and how thier mom and her boyfriend died. Pretty basic, but in movies like these it's not really about the plot.

Before heading to the theater I read a blog on it that said the last 15 minutes will change your life. I do not agree. The last 15 minutes are exactly like the 15 minutes of the last two movies, it moved very fast, was kind of confusing and some people died.

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