Saturday, January 22, 2011

#1: Hello future

 I watched "I am Robot" recently. Ugh I know a silly movie but, I occasionally enjoy watching silly movies. Besides the obvious there was something I found inaccurate, the phones.
As with most mobile future phones they are video phones. We see the hologram in Star Wars, in many cases we see people looking at people as they speak, I am Robot, Star Trek, ect.

I'm sorry but I don't think this will be the future for our communication. Look at how far away telephones are evolving away from that already. Texting is the major means of communication, and it is not even literal texting in most cases, people cut their words down to acronyms with 2 to 4 letters at the most. This is not communication. People are too busy to communicate, to busy to actually make that connection, and face it  if we are too busy to hear someones voice, how the hell are we going to find the time to look at their face? People don't even have the decency to have phone sex anymore, now a days sexting is all of the new rage. At least when we were fucking over the phone I had to put some thought into my artificial orgasm. Now I can fuck you while standing in the grocery line, not to mention checking my email and possibly also fucking other people.

We don't even try to pretend we care about other people anymore. With all of the social networks and various websites there is no need for human contact we can order food and drink, meet new people, watch TV movies, and even fuck. I think Bruce Willis' not too recent "Surrogates" (2009) was much more accurate, maybe not the best of plots, but still I think the theory was valid. People do not want to know each other they don't want to feel. On facebook alone I have 125 "friends," family and husband not included. Take a big guess on how many of these chosen few I have seen in the past 3 months? Answer: 1, and that was an accident I was at the grocery store and saw her. I hid behind a display until she was out of sight and I quickly abandoned my basket and left the store.

I think that is true for most people, I know so much personal stuff about this woman but have not held a conversation with her since I don't know maybe 5-6 years ago. What would I say to her now? It's not like we can acknowledge anything I have read on facebook, that would be too weird.
All of this is weird, how all of this technology has taken over our lives. I was at the library last week, reading a book, for you youngsters out there that is those things like a magazine but bigger. Imagine a movie written down on paper. Say it with me B-O-O-K. That's it, good imbecile.

Anyway I'm at the library reading and a young girl, no older than 16 is sitting at a table parallel with mine, on a laptop. I hear a chirp chirp chirping sound seeming to come from her general area. She didn't seem to notice it. So I returned to my book. Not 10 seconds later the chirping started again. This time she looks up and looks around as if she doesn't know what that sound is either. Finally the sound stops and I quickly loose interest in her. 2 minutes later, CHIRP CHIRP CHIRRRRRPPPPPP!!! "Jesus Christ girl figure it out!" I say, I am not one for the constant annoyance of children. She looks up a me like I'm crazy, and fetches a iPhone out of her diaper bag sized purse. She looks at the screen curiously and presses a button. "Jenny?" (pronounced, "Jennay?") - "Oh I'm sorry I've had this phone for 5 months and I don't think it's ever rung." quiet...."Oh well if it was an emergency, I guess that was OK. Just try to text me next time."
I couldn't believe it this girl was deeply bothered by getting a phone call on a cell phone!! Is she that much younger than me that I don't understand her confusion? I'm in my 20's there can't be that big of a difference. I don't know, it just seems like the more technology takes over the less connected we are with each other.
I hope this blog can help change that. I hope that you can take a few minutes out of your day to read some of my rantings and take a look in the mirror and think about ourselves and our lives.
With love~


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